All art is dual licensed under the terms of GP元 and CC-BY-SA3.
You can use any sprites you build in your game, free or commercially. So, literally hundreds or thousands (maybe even millions) of combinations. There are over 4,000 spritesheets which can be combined in countless ways using the tool. How Many Different Characters Can I Make? It is based on the Universal LPC Sprite Sheet project which is a free, open source project aimed at providing free character art for 2D games. I didn't want to use the short default sprites that come with the RPGMaker MV game engine, and I didn't have the money to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on having somebody make them all for me. I made this tool when I was making my game to allow me to make lots of different characters and combinations of clothes, hair, weapons, beards, etc. This is an easy to use tool which uses free, open art, allowing you to easily make thousands of unique character spritesheets for your game or project. RPG Character Builder Back To Builder Credits